Dangers Of Totalitarianism As Depicted In 1984

George Orwell’s “1984” story is set in “Oceania”, a vast nation that includes the Americas as well as the Atlantic Islands and Australia. The story is set in 1984 London. It’s a time when totalitarianism was a dominant force in the world. Winston Smith is the protagonist of this novel. He follows a path through which he learns about the ways that the government has created a society they like. Goldstein, an Inner Party member, deceives Winston and convinces him that they can trust him. Winston is then turned in by Goldstein at the end. 1984’s essential part was its actual facts. This included Orwell’s experiences with hunger, poverty, and the repressions caused by these extreme policies. These included war hysteria. Separation of families and persecution of people who didn’t agree with the Party doctrine. Orwell’s speculations about the future are a creative extension to how the masses were treated by Franco, Hitler, Stalin.

The political novel’s purpose was to warn West-based readers about the dangers of totalitarian governments. George Orwell was a Cold War survivor who witnessed the terrible lengths at which the totalitarian governments of Russia and Spain would go to win dominance. 1984 was intended to alarm Western nations that were still uncertain of how to tackle the rising tide of communism. The Cold War hadn’t escalated and communism was supported in part by many American intellectuals. This made the status of diplomacy between democratic or communist countries extremely unclear. The Soviet Union was often described as an exceptional ethical experiment in American media. Orwell was disturbed by the role technology played when oppressive governments used technology to spy on and pick out citizens. George Orwell presents 1984 as the ultimate extreme realization of a modern, absolute-powerful government. The title of this novel was written in 1949 to inform its readers about the realistic depiction of the future. Orwell presents a state where government has complete control over every facet of human existence. As the novel proceeds, Winston Smith becomes more rebellious, setting out to challenge The Party’s power. The novel’s central theme is Winston’s observation that The Party employs a range of methods to regulate its citizens.

Many of the things George Orwell described in 1984 have become real today. Telescreens were a reference to large TV screens in homes, buildings, stores, public places, and private houses that broadcast news, propaganda, and entertainment approved by the Inner Party. The posters and the TVs conceal two-way spy cameras that track citizens’ private activities. Facebook and Instagram use social media to track our interests and habits. The government and private companies who are employed by the government can also hack into our technology and access our laptops to gather more information about us and our activities. There are surveillance cameras at every intersection and freeway that you may pass. These cameras can record your lifestyle.

The last, but not least, is the global war described in 1984. Winston Smith is the protagonist and comes to the realization that the old enemy has become our ally. “The past is not in danger of being rewritten. Oceania was at war against Eastasia. Oceania was at war always with Eastasia.

We are currently fighting a war on terror. We don’t know how it came about or if it will end soon.


  • jessicawilson

    Jessica Wilson is a 33-year-old essay writer and blogger from the UK. She has been writing since she was a teenager and has always been interested in writing about personal experiences and thoughts. Jessica has written for a number of online magazines and websites and has also published a number of essays and short stories. Jessica currently works as a freelance writer.