Robert Silver Obituary

Robert Silver, a talented researcher, lawyer, and journalist, has passed away at the age of 63 due to pulmonary disease. However, his legacy will be remembered for his exceptional gift for friendship and generosity of spirit.

During his early years, Robert was an exceptional undergraduate with various social and intellectual talents. But later in life, he experienced mental illness and was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. Despite this, Robert remained positive and enjoyed the unwavering support of his close-knit group of friends.

Born into a wealthy Jewish family in London, Robert’s upbringing in Kensington fostered a social attitude propelled by curiosity and smoking. He developed a lifelong passion for history at St. Paul’s Boys’ School, which he further cultivated as he headed the student Fabian Society while studying at Cambridge University.

After graduation, Robert began freelancing as a journalist while attending City University for his law bar exams. Though he wrote some noteworthy political articles for the New Statesman, his freelancing efforts proved challenging. Eventually, Robert decided that a career in law was not for him. Despite grappling with society’s expectations of success, Robert faced the challenge head-on with his unconventional personality.

Robert moved to Cambridge to pursue a Ph.D. in politics and opinion from the 1930s, but he struggled with isolation and depression. He became hospitalized on several occasions, yet he remained resilient through his challenges, challenging the Mental Health Act throughout his journey. Despite his circumstances, Robert stayed friendly and reached out to his friends via landline conversations.

Robert was known for his unique blend of fun, adventure, and subversiveness, leaving behind many fond memories for those who knew him. He was known for his vigorous dancing skills, a mix of a dervish and a gigolo, at his parents’ wedding anniversary party. The spontaneous, mildly perplexing, and slightly transgressive personality marks were perhaps the most distinguished features of Robert’s character.

Robert is survived by his brother David, and two nieces Natasha and Sophie.


  • jessicawilson

    Jessica Wilson is a 33-year-old essay writer and blogger from the UK. She has been writing since she was a teenager and has always been interested in writing about personal experiences and thoughts. Jessica has written for a number of online magazines and websites and has also published a number of essays and short stories. Jessica currently works as a freelance writer.