A Review Of The Book The Boy In Striped Pajamas

Bruno’s family and Bruno were forced to leave Berlin in Germany during the 1940s when his father was promoted. Bruno is also unhappy because their new home, which was much smaller, seems isolated. Bruno, who was moving into his house for the first time, looked out the window to tell Gretel that other children in the neighborhood did not appear friendly. Bruno had actually been watching the children at Auschwitz, and that’s why they looked so unfriendly. Bruno thought about last Christmas and the time he spent with his parents and grandma. She told his dad that she couldn’t believe Bruno was a Nazi.

Bruno was exploring the area surrounding his new house one day when he came across a boy sitting on the ground in pajamas. Bruno decided to sit down with the boy because he wanted company. He began talking to Shmuel. Shmuel shared Bruno’s birthday. Shmuel also grew up in Portland. Shmuel explained to Bruno they were both in Portland. Bruno and Shmuel planned to meet again the following day, and so they did. Bruno was at home when he saw Shmuel cleaning the crystal glasses. Bruno was unaware that his chicken would cause a disturbance, but it certainly did. Shmuel informed his father of their friendship, but Bruno claimed he’d never met Shmuel. Bruno’s father was furious at him, but Shmuel explained to his father that they were friends. Bruno said he hadn’t seen Shmuel before. He told Shmuel they were going to Berlin. Shmuel however had an even more pressing issue. His father went missing. They devised a plan for finding his father. Bruno wore striped pajamas as he went into concentration camp the following day to help Shmuel track down his father. The soldiers told the boys they were taking a bath, but they were actually forced into gas-filled chambers. When they got inside, the light went out, and instead, gas was sprayed out. His mother returned to Berlin and his father remained in Auschwitz. He was horrified to learn what had happened.

This book has taught me to never judge someone based on their appearance. A person who is struggling with a problem does not need to take their frustrations out on others. He/she should act normal so that they can make friends who are actually normal rather than drive them away. It is not okay to ignore someone who looks like Shmuel, in the book. He was very thin and tired. It is important to sit with the person and understand that they’re just like you and everyone else. They were not placed in concentration camps for no reason. You could lose a great friendship if you judge someone too quickly.

I would definitely recommend this book to students who are looking for a way to learn not to judge others based on their looks. It is better to get to know people to determine if they’re genuine. In today’s society everyone is quick to judge and not take time to learn about others. This book also helps people understand that even though they may be going through a tough time, they don’t need to close everyone out. He/she may be able to open up and share with others instead of keeping everything inside.


  • jessicawilson

    Jessica Wilson is a 33-year-old essay writer and blogger from the UK. She has been writing since she was a teenager and has always been interested in writing about personal experiences and thoughts. Jessica has written for a number of online magazines and websites and has also published a number of essays and short stories. Jessica currently works as a freelance writer.